Monday, September 30, 2019

Compare and Contrast Medieval Knight vs. Renaissance Knight

In the chaos and danger of post-Roman Western Europe, Soon, grants of land were made so the young soldiers could receive an income from those lands and afford the high cost of outfitting themselves with the accoutrements of war, such as horses, armor, and weapons. The era of the medieval knight had begun. knights began to treat their land grants as hereditary rights (usually transferring ownership to the eldest son upon death), thus beginning the rise of knights as a â€Å"landed† class Knights soon found themselves involved in local politics, the dispensation of justice, and numerous other required tasks for their sovereign, or liege lord. The medieval knight is generally perceived as an armed and mounted warrior who was bound by the codes of chivalry Knight's had a code of conduct that was called Chivalry. This code changed over the centuries but some of the major points were that the knight was bound to defend his lord or liege, care for his lands and his people and in the later centuries this code of chivalry was expanded to include conduct in courts and public functions. A knight was expected to protect those less of lesser rank than himself and to hold himself to the highest standards of combat and knowledge in religion and writing, music and leadership. During the High Middle Ages, knighthood was considered a class of lower nobility. By the Late Middle Ages, the ideals of chivalry were popularized in medieval literature. concept of the knight as an elite warrior sworn to uphold the values of faith, loyalty, courage, and honour. During the Renaissance, the genre of chivalric romance became popular in literature, The medieval knight was the equivalent of the modern tank. He was covered in multiple layers of armor, and could plow through foot soldiers standing in his way. No single foot soldier or archer could stand up to any one knight Becoming a knight was part of the feudal agreement. In return for military service, the knight received a fief. In the late middle ages, many prospective knights began to pay â€Å"shield money† to their lord so that they wouldn't have to serve in the king's army. The money was then used to create a professional army that was paid and supported by the king In the Middle Ages, knights were the elite soldiers. A good knight could take on many infantry and archers all by himself. There were really only three types of soldiers in the day, knights, archers, and infantry, or foot soldiers. The infantry tended to be made up of peasant and serfs, and did not require many skills to become a soldier Knights had a code of chivalry, which demanded that they defend the weak and be courteous to women, and be loyal to the king and serve God. They were supposed to have mercy on vanquished foes, and not boast about their accomplishments. However, despite this code, they were usually little more than mercenaries for hire. During Renaissance, the social structure changed completely from that of feudalism. Between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, Europe was in a period of decline. Eventually, Europe, for the most part, had adopted a feudal 2. society. There were knights and lords in this period, as well as vassals and serfs. Cities of the great Roman Empire were slums for the most part, and in the country, estates with feudal lords offered protection to local villagers from attack (it is for this that villages developed close to feudal estates). Life was generally hard and not too stable When we think of the Medieval times the first thought often takes us to the Medieval knights and their ladies. It was the duty of a Medieval Knight to learn how to fight and so serve their liege Lord according to the Code of Chivalry

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ownership and Control Essay

The first business decision that an entrepreneur faces when he is opening his private business is the type of enterprise he/they will create. Basically there are three main forms of business enterprises that can be opened, a sole trader, a partnership and a limited liability company. Such enterprises comprise different legal status and ownership, plus different control measures. In the following paragraphs we will explain such issues of these forms of organizations. A sole trader is the simplest form of business enterprise. It usually consists of one individual who opened a business operation. Sole traders are usually small firms due to the limited amount of capital that is invested by a single owner. The main benefit of a sole trader is that the owner has full control over the assets of the business and all the critical decisions are usually taken solely by him. The main limitation of such a form of business, apart from limited capital is the unlimited liability on the organization’s debts. Partnership arises whenever two or more people invest money in a business to commence trading. A partnership also possesses unlimited liability like a sole trader. However more capital is available since money is invested by more people. In a partnership not all the partners exercise control on the firm especially if it is a limited partnership. In case of companies, which are limited liability due to separate legal entity, give room to shareholders and directors being formed. The shareholders are the owners, which can be a significant number, while the directors are the individuals managing the company which are not necessarily the shareholders particularly in public companies. Companies are frequently formed due to higher availability of finance.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What is a Hero Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is a Hero - Essay Example They are tempted to use their great strength to do good for themselves or their cause, but they have limitations that they may not know. In this way the heroes of epic stories tell us something about ourselves: although human beings are the strongest species on the planet we can often harm ourselves through our hubris. Hubris and Nemesis are issues that all heroes must face often on a huge and dramatic scale. In the end however, a hero is someone who proves their mettle by putting others interests before their own. A good example is in The Odyssey a remarkable story of one man’s journey back home, a journey of return to his loved ones. For Odysseus, nothing is more important that family. That said, there are other values in the story that are very important. One is a collection of martial values—honour, fellowship, solidarity—that runs like a golden thread throughout the story. Another is the duty of the living towards the dead. All of these have played an important role in my own life. Just as Odysseus tries to live his life according to this values—familial love, martial honour, and duty to those gone before us—so do I try to live my own life. It is the story of a man trying desperately to return home after many years away fighting in a terrible war. But he is being punished and his journey is very dilatory. He must constantly deal with obstacles. Each obstacle presents in its way a moral or ethical challenge that will try Odysseus. Although my own life is very different that Odysseus’, and much less straightforward, nevertheless, I too have been challenged by obstacles that have made me think hard about the values I live by. Throughout the story he does everything possible to put the interests of his crew and family before his own. He shows that at the core of all true heroes is love. Also, his associations make him heroic. He surrounds himself with

Friday, September 27, 2019

Monique and the Mango Rains. Gendered Inequality from an Essay

Monique and the Mango Rains. Gendered Inequality from an Anthropological Perspective - Essay Example Women, however, are not allowed by law of the land to own any property and in case they do, then it is assumed to belong to the immediate male over them. They are not to be listened to since their views are underrated. Traditionally and historically, some chores are considered ‘masculine’ and no woman is allowed into these fields no matter their qualifications. This is male dominance and sexism, which fiercely promotes gender inequality in the society. These are some of the truths that have shaped unspeakable gender inequality. In the book ‘Monique and the mango rains’, Kris highlights on the different areas where women have been discriminated against in the Mali community, bringing about gender inequality. This essay highlights these concepts of inequality and how they have hampered women rise to higher positions in the community. Kris presents a personal encounter of the life situations in the western country; Mali, painting a pathetic picture of what wome n undergo. Women, here, are given less significance by the community as a whole. They are not given adequate maternal care in the case of reproductive health. In the building of the economy, the feminine gender is neglected. Even the little that they earn out of their hard work is planned for inappropriately by the men who control them. They are given no option to choose or decline marriage, whereby, they are mostly forced into it. It is very worrying, how they are multitasked with most of the chores in their homes and community (Holloway & Bidwell, 2007). There are various components that are seen as promoting gender inequality among the Malian women portrayed by Holloway. Some of these components include issues on reproductive health. It is, for instance, mentioned that, among the community of over 1,400 occupants, there is only one midwife; Monique. She is overwhelmed with activities ranging from helping expectant mothers to deliver, advising of health since they are mostly malno urished and even on matters of birth control, which is almost unheard of in this society. This is too much for only one woman; therefore, most of the reproductive health issues are left unattended to. Mortality rate among pregnant mothers is given as very high; every one women out of 12 die out of reproductive related issues (Holloway & Bidwell, 2007). There is the component of gender inequality on the part of economy streamlining. The only salaried working woman mentioned here in the Mali community, is Monique. She is seen working the whole day in a makeshift birth centre under a torn roof. Her salary, however, goes to the extravagant father-in-law and unfaithful husband. She cannot be able to plan for her salary independently. This shows that a woman in Mali is voiceless even in managing her own resources. Outside this clinic picture, the woman is also overworked. There are, however, no accounts of productive use of these funds, which mostly goes to their male relatives. They are left with little, if any, to manage and help in economic growth matters. The Malian women have the most disadvantageous part in forced marriages. It all starts with Female Genital Mutilation (F.G.M.), which to them is universal. This argument is developed from the instance where we are told that Monique thought that this rite was universal, that even Kris must have undergone it. This rite is the first step in developing

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The North American Free Trade Agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The North American Free Trade Agreement - Essay Example This means that at optimal labor utilization it can either produce, say 600 pounds of corn or 300 pounds of nuts. Meanwhile, Mexico is able to substitute the production of same products at the exchange ratio of . As such, it may choose to produce either 200 pounds of corn or 150 pounds of nuts. (Samuelson & Nordhaus, 2000) Upon opening up or liberalizing trade between the two nations, their initial production possibility curves, represented by the solid line, pivot. In case of the US, it could still produce 600 pounds of corn. However, with trading with Mexico, it may now end up with relatively more nuts using Mexico's price ratio. Similarly, Mexico ends up with the same quantity of nuts but this time it may end up with more corn as it traded with Mexico at the latter's price ratio. The above example exhibits the benefits derived by countries, particularly exporters and consumers, when countries open up to trade or undergo trade liberalization. According to the Foreign Agricultural Service (2005), sales of corn to Mexico and Canada increased by 175% with exponential increase in export value between 1993 and 2004. In this case, farmers are able to find overseas markets for their harvest, thus, enhancing their earnings potential.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Island of Plenty by Johnson C. Montgomery Essay

The Island of Plenty by Johnson C. Montgomery - Essay Example The present research has identified that Johnson C. Montgomery was the attorney general in the city of California and former member of an organization situated in America. The organization was popularly known as Zero Population Growth, and it was extraordinarily effective in fulfilling its targets and goals through the assistance of Montgomery. He later ventured in literature and was able to write an exceptionally captivating book that got the attention worldwide. The book was called ‘The Island of Plenty’ and its review appeared first in the Newsweek magazine in the year 1974. The article was clear in the assertion of its points, and consequently got some criticisms from a section of the populace who felt that it was deceitful. The article was titled My Turn on the Newsweek magazine before it was later renamed The Island of Plenty. The author of the book supports the idea that America should isolate herself from helping other countries, until the time they had enough su stainable resources. Montgomery argues that the isolation is necessary for America to concentrate in solving their internal problems first. The writer has used rhetorical devices such as alliterations, assonance, cacophony and onomatopoeia in this piece. The writer uses alliteration in to emphasize that the growing populace is the main reason why there is food shortage in the world, ‘the problem is that there are too many people-many too many’. The repetition is on the word ‘many’, which has been repeated severally in the sentences. Through this use of the rhetorical devices, he has managed to emphasize the point of an immense populace causing famine. ‘We owe to our children- and to their children’s, children’s, children’s, children’s’ is a sentence the writer is emphasizing on the importance of planning to take care the future of our children. Montgomery succeeds to show his point the use of alliteration to show the readers the importance of having a well-planned future for the younger generation. Therefore, he presents the alliteration well in a manner that brings understanding to the reader. Assonance Assonance is the repletion of a similar sound in a sentence to emphasize on a theme to that of an article being read. The sentence ‘Ample food and resources exist to nourish man and all other creatures to indefinitely into the future’, successfully show how America is well equipped with resources that feed their citizens. Irony The writer

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Leadership Styles and its impact onThe Development Learning at Literature review

Leadership Styles and its impact onThe Development Learning at Universities - Literature review Example The paper tells that since time immemorial, humans have constantly been engaging in social activities that out of necessity resulted in some individuals becoming leaders while others took the role of following the roles of the leaders. In as much as some theorist may suggest that every person is a leader of his or her own, but in this case, we would like to speak of a leader one who is at the top of any organizational pyramid after appointment, promotion, attrition or the like. In recent times, as the population continues to expand and there got an increase in interdependence in all human areas, leadership started taking keen toll on management. As population increases, the need of having appropriate leaders to lead groups of people has emanated. In accordance to Northhouse, leadership becomes defined as a process where a person influences a certain group of people to achieve a given common goal. Leadership remains to be a term that evolved through time and became lately more popular as interests in it continued. Leadership began mostly with the productivity law that states that the most productive individuals became awarded something or an honor. It then evolved to become a management law when people became supposed to manage other individuals in order to improve on productivity leading to it becoming leadership law. In any learning institution for instance, there are many different leaders that got different styles plus different levels of popularity. Leadership styles Leadership style in simple terms can be described as how an individual plays a given role. In addition, it could imply how a given individual reacts, decides, interacts and treats other people. Kurt Lewin (1939, p.78) led some researchers in identify various different styles of leadership. From his research and many more on leadership styles, there are over 10 leadership styles that became identified in influencing developmental learning in universities (Goleman 2004, p.18). Examples of basic l eadership styles commonly employed in university settings by the leaders include autocratic, bureaucratic, Laissez faire and democratic leadership. Other leadership styles include transformational leadership, transactional, creative, corrective, change, intelligence, multicultural, pedagogical, bridging, servant and purposeful leadership (Dereli 2010, p.6; Glanz 2002, p.3; Kippenberger 2002, p.10). History The interest and documentation of academic leadership more so began in the middle part of the 20th century. It started with seminal works focused specifically on the notion that most successful leaders were in possession of certain intellectual and physical attributes that made them become successful in leading others. The trait theory, emanated as a product of leadership positions bestowed by a higher power historically through birthright therefore, producing the belief that most leaders get born rather than made. One of the first published work in this field belonged to Stogdill . Stogdill and Shartle (1948, p.3) approached this work with intentions of identifying key traits perceived as common attributes associated with successful leaders. After Stogdill and Shartle, many more studies became conducted to add up to their list of leadership traits (Mann 1959, p.34; Locke & Kirkpatrick 1991, p.56; Alliger, Lord 1986, p.67). A lot of differences and commonalities in the leadership traits identified by some of these researchers continued to show prevalence among various academic institutions. After the Stogdill and Shartle, additional efforts became placed on coming up with things that make an individual possess strong leadership skills. This led to the birth of the skills approach in ascertain some leadership qualities (Lewis 1993, p.18). The skills approach disagrees with the trait approach in a number of ways. In as much as both the skills approa

Monday, September 23, 2019

Compare and Contrast Alan Paton's Cry, the Beloved Country and Chinua Essay

Compare and Contrast Alan Paton's Cry, the Beloved Country and Chinua Achebe's Thing's Fall Apart - Essay Example Achebe’s narrative signals the first indicator of tribal decline in Africa, exploited by the white colonisers to exert power in their expanding empire. The death toll of tribal life in Africa in Things Fall Apart symbolises the human predisposition towards conflict as the ethnic tensions are replaced with the tensions between the whites and blacks. In contrast, Cry, the Beloved Country takes the reader forward, highlighting the predicament of native blacks under white rule, where the funeral for tribal life prophesised in Things Fall Apart is now a reality, symbolised by the theme of human loss. The industrialisation of Africa and separation of families brought about by white rule is highlighted through the Kumalo’s journey as central protagonist in Cry. Pastor Kumalo loses a brother to the city and his brother in law to the mines. Furthermore, Kumalo’s sister disappears when she goes to the city. Through contrasting perspectives both novels utilise the conflicts between the white rulers and black natives to portray a deeper themes of the complex cycle of human conflict; its resultant impact on the family nucleus and the human need for connection and family relationships particularly driven by loss and fear. Analysed in conjunction, the contrasting spectrums at which both Paton and Achebe begin their narrative effectively takes the reader through the beginning of colonial policies in Things Fall Apart, to the practical impact of white rule in Cry, the Beloved Country. The focus of this analysis is to evaluate through a comparative analysis the authors’ depictions of the conflicts between the white colonisers and the native blacks and consider which, if any depicts the predicament most sympathetically. It is submitted at the outset that both whilst both works are undoubtedly important in highlighting the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

S it more accurate to say that presidents adapt to the critical events Essay

S it more accurate to say that presidents adapt to the critical events that happen during their time in power, or are they more - Essay Example The United States, which is both the greatest economy and democracy in the world, has influenced the course of history of the world. It therefore provides a definite relationship between presidents and the historical occurrences. Among iconic presidents of the United States was Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States who served until his untimely assassination in 1865. The events in his tenure including his assassination depicted the influence that the presidents had in shaping the history of their times. He served during some of the most tumultuous times in the country. He led the country through the most historic constitutional, moral and military crisis. His contribution and time in office thus makes him the best president whose analysis may easily depict the role of presidents in influencing the history of their tenures (Burkhimer, 2003). Additionally, he provides an effective basis of comparison with some of the recent presidents such as the incumbent presi dent Barack Obama and George Bush among many others who also served during some of the most tumultuous times in the history of the country. Presidents are always at the help of politics. They are influential people who readily access all the power brokers in a country. The American politics consists of a set of members of parliaments and senators all of who are influential in managing the domestic politics in the different states. The presidents on the other hand has influence over such and enjoy vast constitutional power to institute policies but with the consent of such politicians. Born and raised in a poor American family at a time that capitalism and slave trade was at the pick, Abraham Lincoln educated himself and later joined politics. He lost a senate seat in 1858 for maintaining a hard line rejection for the plan to expand slavery. He was determined to end slavery in the country. Though not a Member of Parliament, the president influenced the lawmakers during his tenure as the president of the United States thus succeeding in emancipating the African Americans. The liberation of the black society in the United States was one of the greatest historical occurrence in the country that earned Abraham Lincoln both friends and foes in equal measure thus possibly leading to his assassination. His role in liberating the African Americans and safeguarding the rights of the marginalized society to take part in election in the country’s constitution was a self-depiction of the influence that presidents have over the historical occurrences. Slave trade had employed millions of American capitalism merchants; it had necessitated the agrarian revolution thus developing the country’s economy. Vouching for the abolition of slave trade and developing an equal American society in which the African Americans would enjoy equal rights as their white counterparts was therefore a major historical occurrence. The success to end slavery was not a timely occurrenc e; it was not any time coming. President Abraham Lincoln worked hard and tried all he could to convince and black mail some of the members of parliament to accept and pass the bill that would change the country’s constitution. The desire to free the society had cost him his political career in the past but his determination finally bore fruits thus possibly resulting in his assassination. The life and works of president Abraham Lincoln portrays the influence tha

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Studying the character of Caliban in The Tempest Essay Example for Free

Studying the character of Caliban in The Tempest Essay â€Å"There’s enough wood within,†- Caliban (1, 2). Those were the first words of Caliban in one of the William Shakespeare’s greatest plays. In every play of his, there is always this one character that really comes into attention – and for this play, it’s Caliban. Caliban’s character in The Tempest is portrayed in such a way; it captures the attention of many audiences. He is first shown to be a savage who in the later stages, opens up, to not become more monstrous, but a considerate human being. After analysing this play, I have developed quite a lot of opinions on his character throughout the pay, which I will expand on, in further detail. Commencing with a Tempest, that Prospero conjures up, we can see that the crew really has a hard time, as Trinculo and Stephano jump overboard. Once the Tempest calms down, Trinculo finds this majestic island where he first meets Caliban. â€Å"Lo now, lo! Here comes a spirit of his to torment me,† (2, 2) and also when Stephano comes in, â€Å"Do not torment me, I prithee (2, 2).† From this, I can establish that Caliban’s small fear of Trinculo and Stephano starts here. When he realises that they aren’t spirits to torment, he soon loosens himself up and says, â€Å"These be fine things, and if they not sprites! That’s a brave god and bears celestial liquor (2, 2)† From this situation, it is evident that Caliban is a person whose fears does not get in the way of knowing people. From what briefly happened, I can tell that he is opening minded about people. Claiming that, â€Å"The spirit torments me,† to calling Stephano, â€Å"A brave God,† who in his eyes, offers heavenly beer, takes a person who can trust. To put trust into people has many great aspects – much strength, but in this case, his trust was later taken on as a weakness. The fact he also calls a person he just met, a God, shows that he has never been treated with such kindness, as a little gesture of offering beer turns a butler into a God. However, the respect he gives, he doesn’t receive. Stephano says, â€Å"How now, moon calf? (2, 2)† The words moon calf is not very pleasant, as it means deformed offspring. With this phrase, he is insulting Caliban and his parents, as he came as an ugly child from them. Probably knowing what a moon calf infers, he didn’t come back with an insult, but replied kindly, â€Å"Hast thou not dropped from heaven?† This is very strange, because if Prospero said that, he would curse him will all the names under the sun. This shows that he respects them dearly and never wants to lose them as masters and/or friends. His respect and trust increases as he later of says, â€Å"I’ll kiss thy foot. I’ll swear myself thy subject.† When Caliban says this, he is automatically volunteering to become at a lower status than them. He is offering to slave away and in my opinion, this is cowardly behaviour, as he knew that Stephano and Trinculo are petrified of this â€Å"Monstrous moon calf!† He could have got the 2 to be his slave, but he didn’t. Instead, he obeyed their every command, like for example, kneel when Stephano says, â€Å"Come on then down and swear.† This makes him weak, who doesn’t obey Prospero, but like a â€Å"Puppy headed monster,† acts like a loyal, cute puppy towards Stephano. Caliban acts like this because he isn’t cut out to be a leader, but a slave. I believe this comes down to his mother failing to nurture him in a good way. Even though he is a monster, he is shown to suffer the same psychological effects as humans. This means that the absence of his mother to guide him, has affected him an awful lot, bringing down his confidence and ability to step up. Sycorax, his mother must have treated him in such a way to make him always feel like he is under everyone. For example, she stole the island Caliban found himself. She then took charge of things straight away, not letting Caliban have a say. In a contrasting side to Caliban, he can be very violent, treacherous and rebellious. His violent side was not shown in the play, but was talked about when he, Prospero and Miranda were talking. â€Å"In mine own cell; till thou didst seek to violate the honour of my child. (1, 2)† The honours of Prospero’s child, would have been Miranda’s virginity. In the comforts of her own home, Caliban would have raped her. Caliban was really accepted as a part of their family, but he blew it as soon as he attempted to rape her, His sexual attraction towards Miranda, is what made him treacherous. In reply to this, Caliban said â€Å"O ho, O ho! Wouldn’t have been done! Thou didst prevent me; I had peopled else this isle with Calibans.† Inevitably, he would have raped her and got away with it. Nothing could have happened to stop him. And to say that he would have filled the isle with Calibans; little monstrous things running about the place, is loathsome behaviour. He also started off by saying â€Å"O ho, O ho!† In this context, he is wickedly laughing at the fact that if he did go ahead with the rape, he (like a rapist), would have no remorse. Moreover, he is extremely insulting towards Prospero. On multiple occasions, he takes every chance to take a jab at Prospero. He says things like â€Å"May the red plague rid you (1, 2)† or â€Å"Subject to be a tyrant† and many more. The one really long speech that curses Prospero really does give the audience a huge chunk of Caliban’s emotions towards Prospero. â€Å"Teach me how to name the bigger light and how the less that burn by day and night and then I loved thee,† When he said that, it’s beautiful how he appreciated how Prospero taught him language. When he said â€Å"I loved thee,† it shows he really loved the old life he had. In my opinion, if someone, even Caliban, loved a person; an element of love will always remain within oneself. This tiny bit of love and happiness quickly turned to anger. Anger is one of Caliban’s strengths. â€Å"Curst be I did so. All the charms of Sycorax, toads, beetles, bats, light on you,† Not just anger but regret is shown when he says â€Å"Curst be I did that so,† Here, he came to a realisation that trusting Prospero was a bad idea as he had it all thrown back in his face. All this being felt, he expressed by throwing back what Prospero gave in his face. The teaching of good language, he turned to a curse, later on cursing him with his own mother. Analysing those 2 lines, we can see that Caliban is a troubled person who just wants what a human wants. His main wish is respect. All he wants is to be treated with respect just like before. The trouble is Caliban doesn’t understand why all the trust in him was lost. This is one part of him that makes people think, he isn’t human, even though other parts of his personality is. Using â€Å"Sycorax† in the curse, makes me think about his desperateness for a human body and a normal mother. Deep inside, Caliban must blame his deformed body on his mother, who is so foul; she is used in a curse. When it comes to the ruling system and their stories to the crown, Caliban and Prospero have a similarity. â€Å"Which first was mine own king,† He is here simply saying that he himself was the king of the island until Prospero came along. This is similar to Prospero’s story, as he was a usurped king. I think Caliban can empathise with Prospero, but the opposite can’t be done The reason this can’t happen is because Prospero loathes Caliban. â€Å"Though poisonous slave got by the devil himself,† By him getting called a poisonous slave, shows how much he thinks of Caliban. Calling him a poisonous slave, show that all the think Caliban does is cause death and is sent by the devil to do so. Moreover, the devilish thought of him is expanded. He believes that Caliban is a â€Å"most lying slave, whom stripes may move not kindness,† When he says this, he means that Caliban will not listen, or do anything out of kindness, but out of escaping all the whipping he gets. Miranda then responds to this and says â€Å"Though thou didst learn, had that int which good natures!† Here, she is telling Prospero and Caliban no matter how much she taught him about manners, he never seemed to learn. Here is where the idea of nature and nurture comes in. Some people would argue, this is down to nurture and how he was raised by his horrible mother. They would blame it all on her as she neglected him to let him fend for himself. This is not what a good mother would do. However, others would argue that this is all down to nature and that some people were born evil. To be born evil, means that they will never learn, they would always be heartless, not care about anyone surrounding them, all because the person is selfish. I don’t think either of these factors are to blame because I know Caliban has a heart, but he just chooses when and when not to be kind and when and when not to listen. Through kindness, he could explain what he feels to Prospero, but instead plots to have him murdered, alongside Stephano and Trinculo. â€Å"I’ll yield him thee asleep, where thou mayst knock a nail into his head,† This method of death is very gory, showing he is a very violent person, as knocking a nail into ones head involves a huge amount of blood. On the other hand, Caliban may be thinking horrid death methods, but is unable to carry out the murder himself. He explains how he will get Prospero to sleep, but then orders Stephano to knock a nail in his head. There are 2 ways of analysing this, Caliban is mentally weak and doesn’t have the capacity to carry any murder out or he still has good attributes towards Prospero, and can’t hurt him, as they had a good relationship in the past. In the play, a couple of characters speeches before, he says, â€Å"Revenge it on him,† This shows that he felt as if Prospero put him to sleep, hit a nail into his head and snatched all his freedom away from him. I do feel a bit of pity for Caliban because he can’t express his hate through talking, not through violence. He however, can express beauty through speech as in Act 3 Scene 2; he shows Stephano what is not to be feared of in the island. â€Å"Be not afeared. The isle is full of noises, sounds and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not,† From the first 2 lines of the speech, I can see that Caliban has a soft spot, and really appreciates the joy of nature. â€Å"Sweet airs that give delight and hurt no one,† shows that he knows the true meaning of beauty and delight. He says â€Å"Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming, then later on â€Å"The clouds me thought, would open and show riches,† This part shows that he has an interest in magic. Influenced by Prospero, I can see that Caliban isn’t that earthly, rough monster, but he is a bit of a sky person too. Even though he didn’t know that all these beautiful sounds were made by Ariel, he moulds to like this music, getting influenced by Ariel’s creative poetry, beauty and thinking. Additionally, he says he wants to dream; dream about all the fantasies and melodious music. In this 3rd scene, he is not portrayed as a repulse, but a beautiful human who has a deep appreciation for Prospero’s magic, music, art and beauty. His depth of attachment to this island is as strong as Prosperos was to his old island. â€Å"I cried to dream again,† is what he says after and this is very emotive, especially after it came out of Caliban’s mouth. His crying for it shows he is desperate to dream for beauty and to just dream about that forever. The relationship between Caliban and Prospero is very unstable, because throughout the play, we can see their highs and lows. Even though Caliban can be quite nasty, he really respects Prospero as a leader. Nearing the end of the play, Caliban asks for forgiveness as if he is still under Prospero’s lead. â€Å"Ay that I will. And I’ll be wise hereafter and seek for grace,† From this, we can see this experience has educated Caliban into being wise after and to never make a huge mistake again. Seek for grace shows he is looking for forgiveness and does respect Prospero, even though he shows a lot of hate. In the Tempest, Caliban was mainly portrayed as a monster, but in my opinion, he isn’t one. Many people have different opinions of him because if he were to e human, he wouldn’t be judges the same. As time passed, his position in society changed, due to many historic events. When America was found, places were colonised, changing people’s civil rights. If these rights were to have been there at the time the play was written, William wouldn’t have made him look to be this monster, especially after Prospero took the isle off him. Discrimination, and him being a ‘moon calf’ made people think less of him. This low standard that characters in the play had set for him, forces Caliban to be the savage people said he was; leading him to attempt to rape Miranda and attempt to kill Prospero. I can’t blame him because I would say he was nurtured in a bad way by his cruel mother Sycorax. As she was a witch, her lifestyle and personality traits, must have influenced Caliban to be the same. He wouldn’t have had an escape from her, because he didn’t have a father he could rely on. After analysing this, I would say that Caliban is a normal human; I don’t have the right to judge, because everyone has different circumstances, whether it is a broken family, or society being harsh on a person.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Strategic Human Resource Planning In Business

Strategic Human Resource Planning In Business Strategic Human Resource Planning is the process of anticipating long term HR Supplies and demands relative to changing conditions inside and outside an organization and then crafting the HR programs and other initiatives in order to meet the organizations needs. There is no single definition of Human Resource Planning (HRP), many definitions and models of HRP exist. Some authors focus on the technical side i.e. mathematical and behavioural side of HR forecasting, there a few others who focus on the managerial side of which includes the way decision makers tackle HR issues for the benefit of the organization. Organizations that manage HR strategically tend to outperform the competitors who do not do so Organizations Strategy: Organizations Corporate Strategy describes organizations sense of purpose, its plans and actions for its implementation. A clear and precise strategy is essential for the business for the following 2 reasons. There is need for people working with in an organization to co-operate in order to achieve maximum benefit. There are effects of changing environment Different level of reward practices may closely compliment different strategies and are significantly related to higher level of organizational performance . (Allen Helms, 2007) Primarks Organizational Strategy: Primark Stores Ltd is a leading clothing retail brand in UK at the moment with over 160 Stores in UK and Ireland. The overall strategy of Primark like any other business is to reach to maximum no of people as a value for money clothing brand and maximize its profit. Primark linked up its stores with each other through a better use of people at their head office and stores, developed new stores and increased their product line. Through the use of proper organizational strategy, today Primark is one of the leading retailer in UK and it all happened because developed a Marketing / planning strategy keeping in view their HR and organizational planning. Organizational Strategy HR Strategy: Like marketing /planning strategy, HR strategy is required for businesses to maximize their output and organizational efficiency in an effective manner. HR strategy is a step by step plan of action which organizations deploy in order to recruit, develop and retain the human resources to meet the objectives of the organization. HR strategy is concerned with developing a highly focused strategy and approach to manage and lead people. Schular Jackson, (2007) In developing such a strategy two critical questions must be addressed. What kinds of people do you need to manage and run your business to meet your strategic business objectives? What people programs and initiatives must be designed and implemented to attract, develop and retain staff to compete effectively. Schular Jackson, (2007) In order to achieve the above objective, Primark developed a strong organizational strategy which lead them to the success they are enjoying today as a major clothing retail company. P Organizational Culture Corporate Culture: Organizational Culture can be defined as specific set of values that are shared among people and groups within an organization and this controls the way these people interact with each other within the organization or outside with the other stakeholder. Corporate culture is unique set of values, customs and traditions that makes an organization distinct. Organizational culture and corporate culture are often used interchangeably but there is a huge difference between them as all corporation will also be organizations but all organizations cant be corporations. Corporate culture is an important part of big businesses. As a major Retailer in UK, Primark has always been unique in its values and traditions. Primark has always been an organization with a focus on providing unique customers services experience to its customers. Whether its personal banking or services for businesses, Primarks assets are its people who provide best service to its customers. Like many other unique things as part of its corporate culture, you will mostly find Barclays at the corner of the high streets. Learning Organizations: A central theme of learning organizations is that learning is an effective part of the organizational development (OD). Original idea of learning organizations has been around for many years but this concept became popular during 1960 1980 by major writers such as Argyris (Kaizen Institute Ltd -2000) Another contribution in this regard was made by Senge, who suggests that organizations should develop a culture of learning and to instil peoples commitment and learning capacity at every level in the organization. Senge suggested five basic features of learning organizations. System thinking the recognition that things are interconnected and organizations are complex systems Personal mastery Mental Models Shared Vision Team Learning Lane et al. emphasise that training in the organisations ICT (information communications technology) skills is essential for corporate survival and should be part of a continuous learning culture Primark as a Learning Organization: Primark Stores Ltd has always paid immense amount of attention towards the development training of staff. Primark Stores Ltd is providing valuable information on ethical trading to its staff and workers related to its suppliers. As a major buyer, Primark has over 600 suppliers based in 16 different countries and spreading across 3 continents, Primark has always focus on the training and learning issues of these more than 700,000 people. Primark has been quite active in raising awareness on child labour issues in these countries and has always promoted the values of ethical trading. This ethical training staffs is the focus of problem solving issues with the suppliers. The role of suppliers is equally important at the same time and Primark Ltd has got more training programmes for the suppliers and its own key staff members who can get involved more actively with supplier in solving these on daily basis. Primarks staff are given extensive awareness on issues relating to all areas of business and staff members are provided further specialized training from time to time, in order to help them do their work in an effective manner. (Source: Comments Suggestion In this section we defined the issues relating to HR Strategy, Organizational Culture, and Primarks role in development of its staff as a learning organization. As we know that an effective HR Strategy is helpful in achieving the overall goal of the organization, Primark stores made its people are real valuable asset and utilized this resource in an effective manner. The success Primark is having today is because of its Business Strategy which was very well backed with Organizational and HR Strategy. Recruitment Selection Process of Primark Stores: Primark Stores has a multi-dimensional recruitment and selection process a few years ago and job vacancies were advertised through multiple ways, including in store postings, Job Centre advertisement and advertisement of vacancies over the internet. Although we know that Primark Stores has not been focused more on internet related issues in the past and there was no other way available for the people a part from going to job centres and Primark Stores itself asking about the vacancies. With the current passage of success, Primark Stores has made the recruitment process more transparent and easier to access. Primark Stores have now got an Online- Recruitment System and vacancies are displayed onto the website immediately. After initial registration, candidates are asked to answer a set of question related to customer services and other issues related to the retail industry. On the successful completion of these questions, candidates are issued an application reference number for further processing of their application, if they were successful during this phase of application. Recruitment Process For Retail Operatives: The current recruitment process of Primark Stores consists of the following key stages. Candidate needs to fill an online application form to get register with the online recruitment system. At next stage, candidate needs to answer a set of online questions regarding the customer services and retail business environment. On Successful completion of this stage, candidates are invited for a personal interview A job is offered after a successful completion of assessment centre and going through a rigorous activity of group tasks and presentation. Recruitment for Management Positions: Same methodology of online applications applies for management positions as well. Job vacancies are advertised through Primarks Recruitment website. Candidates are presented with a set of online questions regarding the management of business / real life issues. On successful completion of questionnaires, candidates is issued an application reference number and is invited for a Panel Interview. This interview session can be a panel interview or one to one interview and candidate is tested on the basis of his education, expertise and communication skills. Candidates ability to handle different difficult situations is also analyzed. On successful completion of interview session, candidate is invited to attend an assessment centre and this is the stage where candidate has to go through group tasks, presentations and this gives HR Team a complete idea about the suitability of the candidate for a particular job role. (source: / Recruitment) Advertising Jobs: As mentioned earlier that Primark Stores has totally transformed its recruitment procedure into a complete online recruitment solution. Every job vacancy is advertised on this recruitment website. This shows Primarks commitment as an equal opportunity employer. Training: Providing first class training to every staff member is a top priority of Primark Stores Ltd. Staff members are providing opportunities for career growth through different in-house promotions and training activities. (source: ) Support for New Starters: As mentioned earlier that Primark considers training very important as part of future development of its staff. A thorough induction day is conducted for every new staff member giving him / her an opportunity to know about the business and working environment. At the same time Staff members are familiarised with health safety issues, fire hazards, emergency evacuation procedures and basic customer services skills. Personal Experience of Working at Primark I myself have the experience of working with Primark Stores and i was provided a good induction session on my first day. It was a thorough induction session covering all aspects of business and other issues related to the business. I was provided a very good customer services training and that helped me a lot during my job with Primark Stores. Diversity: Diversity refers to variety of different individuals belonging to different societies available in one single environment. Primark has got a very diverse kind of organizational culture. You will find staff belonging to almost every ethnic group working at Primark Stores. Gender Diversity: Primark is an equal opportunity employer and encourages females to be part of its team. Females are present in Primark workforce in a huge quantity. Females are given opportunities to be part of management and many female managers are working in Primark, making Primark a more successful organization with their matchless skillset. General Discrimination: Primark as an equal opportunity employer discourages any kind of discrimination at work. Primark workforce is quite diversified and focus remains on working as a Team. If there is any issue regarding discrimination, HR team at Primark takes strict action against the ones who are involved in this issue and result can be a job penalty. Comments Suggestions: In the above section, i tried to highlight the recruitment and selection procedure of Primark Stores. Their training procedure and their focus on staff development. I described my personal experience of working at Primark Stores and how team work is considered important while working at Primark. In my view change in the recruitment procedure has been quite positive but a delay in different recruitment activities is an issue of major concern and it should be sorted out. Rewards Benefits: Primark Stores rewards its staff through different ways. In house promotions is a major source of motivation for staff, staff is also provided opportunities of training at various Stores of Primark. A competitive Salary and 28 days paid holidays are given to permanent staff members. (source:/ Induction Process and CMI Induction Best Practices: As mentioned earlier that induction at Primark is a very important process for new staff members. They are provided with an extensive training on all issues and areas of the business. As being an organization with its focus on Learnings, Primark continuously provides in house on job training to its staff members. That not only contributes in the success of Primark, but at the same time, it is good for personal development of staff member. (Staff Handbook 2008) I am now going to highlight some of the induction practices adopted by Primark Stores. Flexible Working: As Primark is an employer with its focus on the development of its team, its people, Primark offers flexible working pattern to its employees. This approach not only provides opportunity to the workers to adjust their remaining activities according to the flexible environment of Primark work pattern. Thus it promotes health living and better life style. Work Life Balance: Primark Provides the opportunity to staff members to work either full time or part- time or they can work on weekends. This flexibility of work availability is very handy and it gives a chance to the staff members to balance their day to day life and work. Primarks Culture Its Effects on Employees: AS mentioned in the first part of this assignment, every organization has its own culture which makes it unique as it comprises of its values and tradition. As with all major retail sector organization, Primarks focus remains on providing better customer services and this can be attained only through a team work. This team work is a part of Primarks organizational culture which not only makes it a better and bigger organization but at the same time it makes its staff a unique asset for the organization. As Primark Stores consists of a diverse work force so people belonging to different ethnic background form a base of a culture at every Primark Store. This culture would be truly different from one store to another and it does affect the employees of the organization. (Source: Staff Handbook 2008) Disciplinary Procedures: Disciplinary Procedures are very important and form the basis of well disciplined work force. Primark strictly follows its disciplinary procedures and staff members are introduced with these procedures on their induction day and during various other training sessions. Staff is encouraged to follow the terms conditions of their contract, which not only is beneficial for the staff members but at the same time it is beneficial for the organization as well. Uniform is a part of Primarks Quality Service Culture and staff members are strictly advised to follow the dress code of the organization. Discrimination at work and other issues related to harassment are dealt with strictness. (Source: Staff Handbook 2008) Legal Requirements HR: Legal requirements are very important as part o the HR Planning process and HR team ensures that they are fulfilling all legal requirement during the recruitment selection process. Staff members are informed about different legal sides of the business and how legally Primark protects its employees in case of any incident or injury during work. These all things are very important and should be reviewed on a regular basis as they not only ensure the safety of the employees but at the same time keeps the organization on a right track which maximizes its chances of business growth. (Source: Staff Handbook, 2008) Comments Suggestions: I have analysed the induction practices in this section and it was quite helpful in knowing the work and training pattern of Primark Stores. As we know that people are the major assets of Primark stores and these induction practices ensure that people know about their responsibilities as part of the company and how to deal with situations arising during the course of work. Legal side is very important and staff should be familiarized with the basics of HR and employment law and health safety at work. These things not only protect employees during work but at the same time, it protects the employers from getting involved in lengthy legal proceedings in case of an incident.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour Essay -- The Story of an Hour 2014

In the era in which this short story was written, marriage was viewed differently as people view it today. Chopin is probably expressing her view on marriage through the character of Mrs. Mallard and her actions upon discovering that her husband had just past away. This was a time where woman were considered second hand citizens compared to men and where men may have voiced their authority and influence on their wife, not really giving them a chance to have their own opinion. Where in Mrs. Mallard's case may have caused her to bottle up her negative feelings of her husband. Chopin does not write much on how Mrs. Mallard felt during the marriage but she hinted that she was not very happy with it, she mentioned, "And yet she had loved him sometimes" (Chopin 537). It seemed that they had a rocky relationship, if she had only loved him sometimes, and in a time where divorce was practically unheard of and considered an abomination, the only way out of an unstable marriage was through the death of a spouse. So when she had received the message of her husbands accident, she acted w...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

where is all of my money going? Essay -- essays research papers

While searching through various newspapers and newspaper web sites online, I realized that the biggest social problem of all is the how misinformed and uneducated the public is. In search of articles on important social problems, the most prominent topics I found were things such as â€Å"Halliburton is awarded $72 Million in Bonuses,† â€Å"Putin blows of steam over baltics at EU Summit,† â€Å"Egypt Presidential Vote may not be very open,† â€Å"China is unwilling to impose sanctions on North Koreans.† Although these are fairly important â€Å"world† issues, they aren’t as important as things such as global structural inequality, racial and ethnic problems, gender inequality and male superiority, over consumption and starvation, and globalization and technology. It seems that people are so caught up in the smaller issues that we forget that some countries are wasting too much of the world’s resources, while other countries are starv ing to death, and ultimately we’re destroying the Earth at a rate faster than even imaginable. But that’s not what we hear on the news because we’re so caught up with the â€Å"runaway bride,† and the naughty priests.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I did, however, find an article that somewhat relates to the issue of overspending and misplacing our funds while we’re at it. The article is from the Los Angeles Times and is entitled â€Å"$82 Billion Okd in Emergency Spending.† I’ve never managed national budgets, but with that kind of money we could build countries and feed billion...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Time Warner Essay -- essays research papers

Time Warner In 1989, the largest Media Corporation was formed. The integration of Time Inc. and Warner communications produced Time Warner, which in 1996 with the acquisition of Turner broadcasting, regained it's status from Disney as the largest media corporation in the world. The company right now, with over 200 subsidiaries world- wide, is becoming fully global with it's profits from the USA falling, and it's profits throughout the world rising. Globalisation is proving to be Time Warner's major asset in beating other competition to the World market. Currently, Time Warner has interests in many different business fields. Music accounts for a large proportion of its income, while not far behind are its cable systems, entertainment, films, video and television holdings. But, the company has also centred its resources and invested in the global media, producing programmes and channels for countries around the world, which in turn has proven to be a very lucrative area of growth. Time Warner in general has become a 'major force in virtually every medium and on every continent'; So then, why should a company like Time Warner be a threat to the public, and something which all of us citizens around the World should be aware of ? Isn't Time Warner just a success of capitalism ? A successful company, which employs thousands of people and makes massive turnovers, while at the same time advancing the cause of the global market and promoting commercialism doesn't seem like a thing of public concern. In the World village today, why should we need thousand's upon thousand's of small independent company's and tv stations and newspaper's, when we could have ten large conglomerates who would control everything from production to sales to distribution ? The way in which thing's have developed over the past ten years, that scenario or fiction might even become fact or reality. So why should it bother the people of the World ? To begin answering that question, we need to go back a hundred years or so and look at the work of Karl Marx and his interpretations of 'socio-economic order produced by industrial capitalism'; . Marx believed that the unequal distribution of wealth and the way in which the capitalist class controlled this wealth through the possession of raw materials, means of distribution and labour, enabled them to make... maintaining its role as a public broadcaster, and given more financial aid from the government. Advertising could be controlled more vigorously and regulated, particularly during children's programming (As in Sweden). A more drastic approach would be the breaking up of the vertically integrated oligopolies, and establishing more competitive markets. In general, any change must strive to serve all of societies needs and interests, which includes audiences and broadcasters, and not only advertisers and media moguls. So, in the end are oligopolies, vertical integration and concentration matters of public concern ? Of course they are. Matters of ownership of the media and the means of production, distribution and sales are too important to be ignored. In the interests of holding on to a healthy democracy, diversity has to be achieved and maintained. As I have tried to show oligopolies and vertically integrated media industries are just as dangerous as state run ministries that have a monopoly over information. 'Concentrated media power is political and social power';. Thankfully, the World hasn't yet become like the latest offering from James Bond 'Goldeneye';.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Morality in Islam Essay

Morals are the standards set by society for an ethical human behavior. It can also be called the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Morality is the adherence to the moral values present in the society, especially the following of good moral conduct. Islam is a comprehensive way of life, and morality is one of the cornerstones Islam. Morality is one of the fundamental sources of a nation’s strength, just as immorality is one of the main causes of a nation’s decline. Islam has established some universal fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are to be observed in all circumstances. To uphold these rights, Islam has provided not only legal safeguards, but also a very effective moral system. Thus, whatever leads to the welfare of the individual or the society and does not oppose any maxims of the religion is morally good in Islam, and whatever is harmful is morally bad. Given its importance in a healthy society, Islam supports morality and matters that lead to it, and stands in the way of corruption and matters that lead to it. The guiding principle for the behavior of a Muslim is â€Å"Virtuous Deeds†. This term covers all deeds, not only acts of worship. The Guardian and Judge of all deeds is God Himself. Morals in the general society might have evolved considerably over the centuries but their main purpose remains the same; i. e. to practice good behavior and abstain from ill doings and injustice. The pursuit of justice, tolerance and fairness has been appreciated and upheld by man for centuries, and detest for evil doings and cruelty has been ever present. Morality has a very important role in the religion of Islam and in the life of a Muslim. Islam tells us that the conscience of a person has it in him to do good deeds and refrain from evil. The Holy Quran calls good, maruf-a well known things and evil, munkar-an unknown thing. It means that it is desirable to do good deeds and undesirable to indulge in evil practices. The Quran says: â€Å"By the Soul! And the proportion and order given to it, and its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right- truly he succeeds that purifies it, and he fails that corrupts it. † (91:7-10) The moral values in Islam deal with the relationship of a man with his God, man with his fellow beings and the man’s relationship with his soul. The moral codes given to Muslims to follow are Divine guidance from Allah himself. These codes and values stand the test of time and are universal in their nature. One can realize how much importance and is given to morals in Islam. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said that the good manners and morals were the real test of a man’s excellence. He (pbuh) said: â€Å"The best of you are those who have the most excellent morals. † The moral values of Islam are instrumental towards creating a healthy and a sustainable society. The moral values in Islam emphasize on piety, patience, forgiveness, justice, kindness brotherhood, equality, truthfulness, lawful earning and acquisition of knowledge. The Holy Quran signifying the value of justice says; â€Å"†¦for Allah loves those who are fair and just. † (49:9) The morals in Islam also incorporate the conduct of an individual towards his parents, spouse, relatives and neighbors. Islam instructs the follower to give his fellow beings their due rights and complete his obligations towards them. The guidance for human beings to live their life in Islam comes through Divine commands. The promise of paradise, and the warning from the inexplicably hot fire of the hell, motivates the believer to follow the right path. The Divine guidance sets the standard for the most excellent possible moral behavior. Importance of morality in Islam is beautifully captured in the saying of the Holy Prophet (pbuh): â€Å"The thing which will make the majority of the people enter Paradise is fear of Allah and good manners. † he most fundamental characteristics of a Muslim are piety and humility. A Muslim must be humble with God and with other people: â€Å"And turn not your face away from people (with pride), nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, God likes not each arrogant boaster. And be moderate (or show no insolence) in your walking, and lower your voice. Verily, the harshest of all voices is the voice (braying) of the ass. † (Quran 31:18-19) Muslims must be in controls of their passions and desires. A Muslim should not be vain or attached to the ephemeral pleasures of this world. While most people allow the material world to fill their hearts, Muslims should keep God in their hearts and the material world in their hand. Instead of being attached to the car and the job and the diploma and the bank account, all these things become tools to make us better people. â€Å"The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, but only he (will prosper) that brings to God a sound heart. † (Quran: 26:88-89) Principles of Morality in Islam. God sums up righteousness in verse 177 of Surat Al Baqarah: â€Å"It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards East or West; but it is righteousness (the quality of ) the one who believes in God and the Last Day and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; who spends of his wealth, in spite of love for it, to the kinsfolk, to the orphans, to the needy, to the wayfarer, to those who ask and for the freeing of slaves; and who is steadfast in prayers, and gives Zakah (Alms); and those who fulfill their covenants which they made; and who are patient and perseverant in poverty and ailment and throughout all periods of fighting. Such are the people of truth, the pious. † This verse teaches us that righteousness and piety is based before all else on a true and sincere faith. The key to virtue and good conduct is a strong relation with God, who sees all, at all times and everywhere. He knows the secrets of the hearts and the intentions behind all actions. Therefore, a Muslim must be moral in all circumstances; God is aware of each one when no one else is. If we deceive everyone, we cannot deceive Him. We can flee from anyone, but not from Him. The love and continuous awareness of God and the Day of Judgment enables man to be moral in conduct and sincere in intentions, with devotion and dedication: â€Å"Indeed, the most honorable among you in the sight of God is the most pious. † (Quran 49:13) Then come deeds of charity to others, especially giving things we love. This, like acts of worship, prayers and Zakah (mandatory alms), is an integral part of worship. A righteous person must be reliable and trustworthy. Finally, their faith must be firm and should not wane when faced with adversity. Morality must be strong to vanquish corruption: â€Å"And God loves those who are firm and steadfast. † Patience is often hardest and most beautiful when it’s against one’s own desires or anger: â€Å"And march forth toward forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious. Those who spend (in the way of God) in prosperity and in adversity, who repress anger, and who pardon people; verily, God loves the doers of the good deeds. † (Quran 3:133) These three acts are among the hardest things for most people, but they are also the key to forgiveness and to paradise. Are they not the best, those who are able to exercise charity when they are in need themselves, control when they are angry and forgiveness when they are wronged? This is the standard by which actions are judged as good or bad. By making pleasing God the objective of every Muslim, Islam has set the highest possible standard of morality. Morality in Islam addresses every aspect of a Muslim’s life, from greetings to international relations. It is universal in its scope and in its applicability. Morality reigns in selfish desires, vanity and bad habits. Muslims must not only be virtuous, but they must also enjoin virtue. They must not only refrain from evil and vice, but they must also forbid them. In other words, they must not only be morally healthy, but they must also contribute to the moral health of society as a whole. â€Å"You are the best of the nations raised up for (the benefit of) men; you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in God; and if the followers of the Book had believed it would have been better for them; of them (some) are believers and most of them are transgressors. † (Quran: 3:110) The Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, summarized the conduct of a Muslim when he said:â€Å"My Sustainer has given me nine commands: to remain conscious of God, whether in private or in public; to speak justly, whether angry or pleased; to show moderation both when poor and when rich, to reunite friendship with those who have broken off with me; to give to him who refuses me; that my silence should be occupied with thought; that my looking should be an admonition; and that I should command what is right. † The love and continuous awareness of God and the Day of Judgment enables man to be moral in conduct and sincere in intentions, with devotion and dedication. The Glorious Qur’an also says:Say: the things that my Lord hath indeed forbidden are: shameful deeds, whether open or secret; sins and trespasses against truth or reason; assigning of partners to Allah, for which He hath given no authority; and saying things about Allah of which ye have no knowledge. [Al-Qur’an 7:33]It is interesting that the Qur’an refers to â€Å"sins and trespasses against truth or reason†. It is an indication of God’s blessing to every human being, of an innate moral sense. Such a moral sense, when uncorrupted by family or society, is what leads people to commendable acts of virtue. Islam aims to enhance and amplify the moral sense in every human being and adorn the individual’s character with the noblest of virtues. The Islamic moral principles therefore, appeal naturally to the human intellect, while elevating the pursuit of morality to the level of worship. This is because Islam holds every action that is done with the goal of attaining of God’s pleasure to be worship. | Morality and the individual The guiding principle for the behavior of a Muslim is what the Qur’an refers to as Al `Amal Assalih or virtuous deeds. This term covers all deeds, not just the outward acts of worship. Some of the most primary character traits expected of a Muslim are piety, humility and a profound sense of accountability to God. A Muslim is expected to be humble before God and with other people. Islam also enjoins upon every Muslim to exercise control of their passions and desires. Islam warns against vanity and excessive attachment to the ephemeral pleasures of this world. While it is easy to allow the material world to fill our hearts, Islam calls upon human beings to keep God in their hearts and to use the material world in moderation and in accordance with God’s guidance. The Glorious Qur’an says: â€Å"The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, but only he (will prosper) that brings to Allah a sound heart† [Al-Quran: 26:88-89] Charity is one of the most commendable acts in Islam. In fact, Zakah, the annual charity that is obligatory on every Muslim who has accrued wealth above a certain level, is one of the pillars of Islam. Gratitude in prosperity, patience in adversity, and the courage to uphold the truth, even when inconvenient to oneself, are just some of the qualities that every Muslim is encouraged to cultivate. Morality and Society For an individual as well as a society, morality is one of the fundamental sources of strength, just as immorality is one of the main causes of decline. While respecting the rights of the individual within a broad Islamic framework, Islam is also concerned with the moral health of the society. Thus, everything that leads to the welfare of the individual and the society is morally good in Islam, and whatever is harmful is morally bad. Given its importance to a healthy and just society, Islam supports morality and matters that lead to the enhancement of morality, and stands in the way of corruption and matters that lead to the spreading of corruption. The injunctions and prohibitions in Islam are to be seen in this light Conclusion Morality in Islam addresses every aspect of a Muslim’s life, from greetings to international relations. It is universal in its scope and in its applicability. A Muslim is expected to not only be virtuous, but to also enjoin virtue. He/She must not only refrain from evil and vice, but must also actively engage in asking people to eschew them. In other words, they must not only be morally healthy, but must also contribute to the moral health of society as a whole. The Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) summarized the conduct of a Muslim when he said: â€Å"My Sustainer has given me nine commands: to remain conscious of God, whether in private or in public; to speak justly, whether angry or pleased; to show moderation both when poor and when rich, to reunite friendship with those who have broken off with me; to give to him who refuses me; that my silence should be occupied with thought; that my looking should be an admonition; and that I should command what is right. †

Sunday, September 15, 2019

English Speech †After The First Death Essay

English speech Good morning, teachers and year 11’s, Identity is one of the main themes in the novel ‘After the First Death’ by Robert Cormier. Identity defined is the individual characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized or known by. Throughout the book, Kate, the main character is constantly changing her emotions and the way she acts showing her different sides. When the main character, Kate appears, She is said to be ‘silent’. This tells the reader, that she does not want to confront the terrorists, which also brings us to the point that Kate is not a very brave person. When the reader first meets Kate it had said that,† She regarded then in shocked silence, mouth agape, eyes wide open with disbelief.† This tells the reader that she is terrified and scared. The central theme of self identity is presented multiple times through main characters such as Kate. She struggles with finding her true identity and becoming brave. My visual representation represents how Kate and the children on the bus are pure and superior to Miro and artkin. The black and white are conflicting colours and white rocks show that the children and Kate are pure and the black shows Miro and Atkin. The black represents the colours of the balaclavas and the colour of Miro’s skin. The black also is a less superior colour than white, representing that the children and Kate are more important. The ratio of white to black rocks demonstrations that there more innocent characters than immoral characters in the novel. The jar is the thing that all the characters have in common; they are trapped in this and cannot get out. This represents the situation they are all in. Wanting to get out but cant. Thankyou†¦

Multiplication and Addition

If students see that addition and altercation is similar because In multiplication you simply repeat the Dalton problem several times then they will have an easier time learning to multiply numbers. A way in which students can relate Dalton and multiplication Is by teaching them and having them work on grouping. By grouping the students will need to draw circles for the first number that Is being multiplied and starts Inside the circles for the second number that Is being multiplied.For example In the student will need to draw 3 circles and then the student will need to draw 5 stars inside each circle. This way the student will be able to see that they are simply adding 5 three times. The commutative property states that the order in which you add or multiply two numbers does not affect the result. (ABA=baa) For example 3*5=5*3=15. A way that this property is connected to thinking strategies is by grouping. The teacher may have the students first draw 3 bubbles and 5 stars inside eac h bubble and then have them count the stars for the total of 15 stars.Then the teacher can have the students draw 5 bubbles and put 3 stars inside each bubble ND once they have done this the teacher can once again make the students count the stars and they will realize that it once again equaled 15 stars, signifying that the two ways came out with the same answer, teaching them the commutative property. The associative law states that when you add or multiply numbers, the grouping of the numbers does not affect the result ((ABA)c=a(BC). For example (2*6)3=2(6*3)=36. The associative property can be worked out by drawing it out and grouping together.For example for the (2*6)3=2(6*3) problem the students can draw 3 bubbles and raw 12 stars inside each bubble or draw out 2 bubbles and draw 18 stars inside each bubble, if the students count both of the different group of stars there will be 36 stars in each picture, therefore showing the students that the order In which the numbers are m ultiplied does not affect the outcome. The distributive law states that multiplying a number by a group of numbers added together Is the same as doing each multiplication separately. When the distributive property Is used you distribute a number to get the same answer. (b + c) = ABA + AC and (b + c)a = baa + ca) For example 2(3+4)= With the deliberate property the students can connect It to a thinking strategy Is by skip counting. For example In the problem 2(3+4) the students can either break the problem apart and do It separately or do It together, they can skip count by as 3 times and then by as 4 times and add the numbers or skip count by as 7 times, both will equal 14. One conceptual error that may be associated with addition and multiplication Is that students may rush themselves ND not look at the sign if it is addition or multiplication.One way to help the worksheet using highlighters. Once the worksheet is handed out to the students the teacher can ask the students to take out their highlighters and when they are working out each problem they must first highlight the sign, whether it is addition or multiplication, this way they will take their time and look at the sign to correctly answer the problem. A second misconception associated with multiplication is that the students may not correctly work out the distributive law.In a problem such as (2+4) they may forget that they must distribute the 3 to each number and instead do 3*2+4. A way to help the students not commit this error is to first hand them out a worksheet that they only need to write the next step they will take, such as 3(2+4)=3*2+3*4. A second way to help the students not commit this error is to have them draw an error from the number three to the number to and a second arrow from the number three to the number 4 for each problem, this way the students will remember that they must multiply the first number to each number inside the parenthesis first.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Does The Carbon Cycle Work Environmental Sciences Essay

The C rhythm can be defined as the uninterrupted biological procedure through which the C is exchanged between the environment and the beings. It besides refers to the thermonuclear reactions which are brought about by karyon of a C -12 atom when it absorbs protons. The sporadic clime alterations being experienced in the universe today are attributable to the break of C rhythm in one manner or the other. Top of the possible causes of this break are human activities. States are loath to accept their portion of incrimination on the whole issue taking to a blasted game. Unless the universe unites against this common cause, the worst is expected to come. This paper covers the C rhythm, how it works and how it ‘s altering in response to human activities. Carbon is found in the ambiance in signifier of the C dioxide gas. Other ambiance gases which contain C dioxide include CFCs and methane. The deficiency or the improper operation of this rhythm can be really awful since workss and animate beings wholly depend on this rhythm during their major biological procedures. The work of the C rhythm can be evaluated or assessed in conformity to the different procedures that change or move C from one signifier to another. These procedures are viz. decomposition, photosynthesis, natural weathering of stones, respiration and the ignition of fossil fuels. During the procedure of photosynthesis C which remains in the ambiance as the C dioxide gas enters into the web of consumers and manufacturers or what is referred to as the ecological nutrient web. After its entry the photosynthetic beings ( algae, workss ) absorb the C dioxide through the bantam pores found in their foliages. Via photosynthesis the workss can now utilize the captive C dioxide an d change over it into simple sugars which are indispensable in the workss growing and reproduction. Plants besides pass C to the animate beings particularly when the animate beings feed o the workss since they do non hold the ability to do their ain nutrient ( Ryn and Cowan 87 ) . Respiration procedure is besides found in the C rhythm but it is unlike photosynthesis because it occurs in the decomposers, workss and animate beings. The respiration procedure besides produces C because the constituent of O is used in interrupting down organic compounds into the C dioxide gas and H2O. Through this procedure of respiration C atoms which start out as the compounds of C dioxide are absorbed through the organic structure of human being and so passed to the ambiance ready for another recycling. Decomposition happens to be the major procedure through which C is passed to the ambiance in signifier of C dioxide. This is achieved through the usage of decomposers ( microorganisms ) which are chiefly found in dirt and H2O. These decomposers normally take in dead and waste merchandises which are chiefly found in signifier of decomposing remains of animate beings and workss. At the same clip they release C dioxide through the procedure of respiration. As before stated, enduring of stones is the other procedure through which C atoms are released. For illustration the calcium hydroxide stone ( an ocean floor rock formed by marine plankton shells ) traps many C atoms. These C atoms are released sometimes after a million old ages when the ocean Waterss recede and the calcium hydroxide stone becomes exposed. Scientifically, it ‘s noted that when a calcium hydroxide stone is set out to the natural procedure of enduring it releases the already trapped atoms becomes a really active portion of the C rhythm one time. Human activities/processes besides increase the C dioxide in the ambiance. One of these activities is the burning of the fossils fuels. Due to the rapid enlargement of industrial revolution many people have been firing the fuels which contain oil and coal to power their engines. The changeless production of these fuels has resulted into immense sums of C dioxide in the ambiance. Most of the C dioxide produced by the burning of these fuels is nevertheless absorbed by workss, oceans and dirts therefore cut downing the increasing effects of planetary heating ( 1 ) . The human activities that influence the C rhythm Human activities have greatly interfered with the procedures involved in the C rhythm. An illustration of these human activities is deforestation. Deforestation is the remotion of natural happening woods through cutting and firing of trees in any forested country. Peoples cut trees to utilize them as fuel, to utilize the land for grazing land, farming and to construct colonies. Active deforestation means that there will be no trees which emit O while devouring C constituents ( C dioxide ) . This leads to increased C dioxide than its consumed therefore destructing the C rhythm. The addition in C constituents in the air consequences into planetary heating ( inordinate warming o the Earth ‘s and oceans surface ) . This inordinate warming consequences into dried rivers or decreased volumes of H2O in the earths surface because the hydrological rhythm will be affected by higher rates of precipitation ( Miller 217 ) . Harmonizing to White ( 1203 ) , the ecologies have greatly been changed by overgrazing, terrassing, irrigation and the film editing of trees. For illustration he says that the Romans used to cut trees to construct ships which were used to contend Carthaginians. He besides states that the Bankss on the lower parts of the river Nile are now a human artefact alternatively of the African jungle which nature could hold created alternatively of adult male. He besides talks of historic ecological alteration which has been caused by the agricultural innovation. Farming prompts deforestation because there must be cutting down of trees to make more infinite for farming. This ecological alteration will be contributed by the addition of C constituents in the air since the forest screen is non available. The green house sort of agriculture is one of the major agricultural subscribers to the break of the C rhythm. This is because the green houses emit gases which are non utilised therefore conveyi ng about planetary heating. Some of the gases emitted include the signifier of C referred to as CFCs. It therefore transpires that the sum of the C produced is higher than the sums consumed. Another human activity which has contributed vastly to the break of the C rhythm is the burning of fuels. This is because of the increased combustion of fuels emits immense sums of C constituents. This will take to greater volumes of C dioxide in the air which will non be consumed therefore doing the C rhythm in effectual. White ( 1204 ) provinces that by 1925, London had experienced a smog job which was caused by the uninterrupted combustion of soft coal. He besides suggests that the current burning of fossil fuels is high up to the point of endangering to alter the universe ‘s ambiance as a whole. White besides suggests that war was another human activity which resulted in to ecological alterations including the break of the C rhythm. He asserts that the first cannon were fired in the early fourteenth century and this affected the ecology because workers were forced to the woods and mountains to scramble for more, S, potassium hydroxide, Fe ore and wood coal where by some res ulted into eroding and deforestation. He besides warns that a war fought with H bombs can change the genetic sciences of life. For illustration it will impact the procedures of the C rhythm between human existences and workss. Harmonizing to Mackenzie ( 1 ) , angling and whaling activities will impact the planetary C rhythm. This is because the uninterrupted remotion of the Marine biology has resulted into increased atmospheric C dioxide. She besides suggests that the rise of C dioxide or C has been caused by progressive fishing which has caused biomass depletion of the universe ‘s ocean. Nowadays, the marine productiveness is now comparatively lower than it used to be when there was a kept up C balance in the ocean-atmosphere. Another signifier of human activities which have influenced the flow of the C rhythm is air conditioning and infrigidation. This is because they utilize the C available in the air which is in signifier of CFC therefore suppressing the continuity of C rhythm between workss and animate beings. These human activities are nevertheless really of import in the universe because they cut down the effects of planetary heating by absorbing the excess C available in the air. Another huma n activity that has influenced the C rhythm is the transition of wild lands and agricultural lands into colonies. These human colonies are the major subscribers to the increased emanations of the planetary C dioxide. They affect the C rhythm through the direct emanations of the C dioxide ensuing from burning of fuels, the changes of the works and C rhythms during the transition of wild lands to urban and residential land screen and the indirect effects of urban and residential land screen on energy usage ecosystem C cycling. In human colonies the dirt C is lost through the dirt perturbations caused by the transition from natural to urban or sub-urban land screen type. The transition of good settled and managed land screen into human colonies consequences into higher rates of C segregation and storage due to big inputs of fertiliser, H2O and organic affair ( Pataki et al 1 ) . Plants cited â€Å" Carbon rhythm † Science clarified. Retrieved on 27th January 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Mackenzie, Debbie. THE EFFECTS OF FISHING AND WHALING ACTIVITIES ON THE GLOBAL CARBON CYCLE, 2001. Retrieved on 27th January 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Miller Tyler. Populating in the Environment: Principles, Connection. Stamford: Cengage Learning, 2008 Pataki, Diane. Human colonies and the North American C rhythm, 2006. Retrieved on 27th January 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Ryn, Sim, and Cowan, Stuart. Ecological design. Washington: Island imperativeness, 1996 White, Lynn. The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis, Vol 155 ( figure 3767 ) , march 10 1967, pp 1203-1207. Cycle Human Settlements and the North

Friday, September 13, 2019

Can Go Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Can Go Company - Case Study Example ted by each member, and each member has clearly defined roles with the team leader overseeing each contribution for inclusion in the final process floow chart. CanGo Company needs to expand its books market but lacks a competent strategy to venture into a new market, and management’s lack of financial commitment to implement the proposed process layout solution. According to Jack, a competent architectural firm has provided process flow chart that would improve services at CanGo but the involved costs seems too high for the management to take. Lack of a clear strategy is evident as Warren does not seem to understand how the use of advanced technology in the process flowchart will result to increased sales volume. The recommendations are first defining a strategy where all members are trained and informed of their role in the process followed by technology implementation in phases depending on the critical solutions they provide to the company. Jack identifies the problem of jumbled flow workers to pick books and long search times both of which have contributed to lowered productivity. Additionally, the introduction of technology throughout the production process would mean lying off some employees. The recommendation is to have every employee properly trained and their responsibilities integrated into the new system while ensuring that the benefits that come with flexibility of the system are leapt. Additionally, evaluating the best economic times to implement new technology is essential in ensuring the upgrades do not remain

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Products, Brands & Their Distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Products, Brands & Their Distribution - Essay Example E-Bay has proved the point that consumers have relationship with their brand. E-Bay is an online market place built to enable local, national and international customers to buy jewelry online. The convenience provided by E-Bay to its customers has helped in building a strong brand image. Customer can shop for the jewelry online and receive the jewelry conveniently through courier. E-Bay has provided a convenient shopping technique for its customers and hence maintains a close relationship with its customers and communicates with them on a personal level. On the other hand customers of auto repair centre do not have a relationship with the branded auto repair centre. Example: a Ford repair centre does not maintain a close relationship with the customers. People prefer to repair their cars within a short period of time so they do not stick to a branded auto repair centre, rather they go to local auto centre where they can get their vehicles repaired within a short period of time. According to Susan Fournier consumers have a relationship with their brands but this does not hold true in case of all products. In case of tinned tomatoes and auto repair, the customers do not have a relationship with its brand. When a customer brings his car for repair, he will prefer an auto centre where his car can be repaired within a short period of time. He is more inclined towards the time duration of the repair so he would prefer any auto repair centre. While the consumer of tinned tomato will prefer that brand that is easily available in the market. He will not develop a relationship with a particular brand. The distribution strategy for Hunts is to provide their product through many distributors and to as many grocery shops as possible. This strategy is appropriate because Hunts deals with perishable goods which need to be delivered within a short period of time. The distribution strategy of E-Bay is to provide an online market place where a variety of products of various

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Catabolite Repression and Induction of Beta-galactosidase Synthesis Lab Report

Catabolite Repression and Induction of Beta-galactosidase Synthesis - Lab Report Example Apart from induction, synthesis rate is determined by catabolite repression, whereby it slows down the synthesis of beta-galactosidase especially in the presence of a better carbon (and energy) source, such as glucose. In this experiment, Escherichia coli (E. coli) is used as the bacteria to induce synthesis of enzyme ÃŽ ²-galactosidase. The results support lactose metabolism by newly synthesised beta-galactosidase and also, quantitatively, IPTG is a more effective inducer of beta-galactosidase synthesis than lactose. In order to regulate the gene expression levels in a cell, there are certain mechanisms that must be considered in operation. In which case, the regulation is considered at transcription and translation levels or the stability of messenger RNA. The aforementioned can only work in regulation based on the synthesis of a particular protein. Consequently, it comes out as a subject of importance to investigate the regulation of transcription of bacterial genes. For this case, Escherichia coli (E. coli) is used as the bacteria to induce synthesis of enzyme ÃŽ ²-galactosidase. Escherichia coli (E. coli) can produce the enzyme ÃŽ ²-galactosidase which breaks lactose into galactose and glucose. Synthesis of the enzyme beta-galactosidase is induced in wild-type E. coli strains in response to the presence of lactose, the enzymes natural substrate (Ring, 1999, 80). The inducer, lactose, is usually the molecule broken down by the enzyme system. Worth noting is the ability of E.coli to solely use lactose as a carbon source regardless of the presence of glucose. A more stable inducer that lactose, IPTG (Isopropyl ÃŽ ²-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside) helps in inducing expression of the enzyme without being metabolized in the process. Apart from induction, synthesis of ÃŽ ²-galactosidase is also influenced by catabolite repression. The process involves slow down of the synthesis process, facilitated by lactose, especially when a presence of glucose is detected. Intuitively, glucose acts as a better energy and carbon source than lactose (Wallenfels, 1972, 67). When given both sugars, E.coli will not synthesize beta-galactosidase until all of the glucose is first exhausted from the medium.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

European Court Of Justice and Free Movement of Persons Essay

European Court Of Justice and Free Movement of Persons - Essay Example The move from the European Community to that of European Union was reflected in a number of specific EC Treaty provisions, including the enlargement of competence in the fields of education and culture, and of course the launch of the sacred status of citizenship of the Union2. The Treaty on European Union (here after referred to as TEU or Treaty of Maastricht) has introduced for the first time a systematic concept of citizenship in the Community ambit through Articles 17 to 22 (renumbered after the Treaty of Amsterdam). Article 17 states that Citizenship of the Union is hereby established and that every citizen holding the nationality of the Member State shall be a citizen of the Union. Following the Amsterdam amendment citizenship of the Union shall complement and not replace national citizenship. The rights and obligations emanating from the citizenship of the EU are then specified in the following articles 18-22/ ex-art. 8a-8e. They include the right to free movement and residenc e (art.18), active and passive electoral rights in the municipal elections and elections into the European Parliament (art. 19), right for diplomatic protection (art. 20), petition rights to the European Parliament and right to refer matters to Ombudsman (Art. 21). The actual TEU provisions are contained in a new Part Two of the EC Treaty devoted solely to this topic. However, it is the right of free movement and the right of residence which, as they have been right through the debate on European citizenship, form the foundations of Union citizenship. ... Article 17 states that Citizenship of the Union is hereby established and that every citizen holding the nationality of the Member State shall be a citizen of the Union. Following the Amsterdam amendment citizenship of the Union shall complement and not replace national citizenship. The rights and obligations emanating from the citizenship of the EU are then specified in the following articles 18-22/ ex-art. 8a-8e. They include the right to free movement and residence (art.18), active and passive electoral rights in the municipal elections and elections into the European Parliament (art. 19), right for diplomatic protection (art. 20), petition rights to the European Parliament and right to refer matters to Ombudsman (Art. 21). The actual TEU provisions are contained in a new Part Two of the EC Treaty devoted solely to this topic. However, it is the right of free movement and the right of residence which, as they have been right through the debate on European citizenship, form the fou ndations of Union citizenship. 2 Article 18 EC provides for freedom of movement and residence within the territory of the Member States. Ivo Shlosark refers to the Maastricht Treaty introducing the concept of citizenship into community law as something of a new phenomenon3. Despite the introduction of formal provisions on citizenship the concept itself was hardly a policy innovation of the Treaty of Maastricht4. The concept of citizenship itself was considered from a very early stage in the development of the Communities. Indeed, since the Treaties of Rome (1957) the Community has legislated fundamental rights and provisions inherent in freedom of movement. Historical steps on the way to European citizenship include the Tindemans Report (1975)5, the introduction of direct Parliamentary